Open Town vs Gown 2017
Open Town vs Gown this year took place on Jesus Green on a sunny Tuesday evening.
Gown got off to a slightly shaky start and town showed their experience taking a 2-point led, including the classic ‘bang it deep’ to Tom.
However, the gown boys kept grinding with Jonny and JR utilising their Frisbee bromance and bringing the score to 6 – 7 with town taking half.
After half both teams came out firing with some fantastic points. Highlights include, heroic deep shots to Akito (town) and JR (gown), silky break swings by Magic, Si and Tom (town) and quick precise L-stack work by Perry, Jonny, Theo and Niall (town).
Time went at gown 10 -11 town. A couple of turnovers saw gown gifted with a golden opportunity on their end zone line which Jonny’s safe-hands converted to UNIVERSE POINT!!!
Town started on O. However, Tom’s disc took a disliking to JR face or JR’s face likes frisbee (depending on your point of view) creating the D the gown needed. Town wasn’t giving up easy with a great attempted layout D and amusing accidental foul from Nick. After a couple of passes a cross pitch hammer from Perry to JR seals the deal and gown win 12 -11.
A fantastic well fought and spirited game all round.
Watch the video here: